Senior portraits in the Fox Valley Area are typically due to the school starting in October. The entire process, from photography, to ordering, to order pick up can take several months to complete. For this reason, along with weather and fall sport schedule concerns, we strongly recommend being photographed at the end of spring and start of summer. Please be mindful of your sports schedules when deciding the best time to be photographed, most sessions are from 2pm and later, which can sometimes conflict with practice and game times in the fall.
Yes! We welcome your family and friends sitting in on your session, as long as you are comfortable with them being there. Please remember though that I need to connect with your senior, so please be an observer. Also, no video or photography (including cell phones) is allowed.
Please do! There is no extra charge to be photographed with your pet. We do ask that you tell us you are bringing one when you schedule your appointment, since some pets have special needs. They will need to have their shots current and you will need to bring someone else with you to watch your pet while we are photographing you during the rest of your session.
When scheduling your appointment, please mention that you would like to be photographed with your vehicle. Because of the space we need to photograph such large objects, we need to do this portion of the session at specific locations. Also, be certain to have the vehicle cleaned and waxed just prior to the session.
Yes, relax. We understand that senior portraits are very important to you. And we will do our best to put you at ease. If you are a blinker, we will try several tricks to prevent this, but regardless, we will still photograph enough images for you to chose from. The main thing is to have fun. This is your one big time to shine and enjoy yourself!
During your in studio ordering appointment, we will review your images and pick out the ones you wish to order. All images that are ordered will be fully retouched, whitening teeth, smoothing out skin tones, and lightening bags under the eyes. Braces can also be removed, but at an additional fee.
Parking is available in the lot in front of the studio at 213 S. Walter Avenue in Appleton. It is always free!